So yesterday a little before 3:00 I decided to highlight my hair. I usually don't attempt to do this kind of thing right before my kids get home from school, but I had the urge so I just went ahead.
I wanted to be quite a bit blonder so I used the highest level of peroxide and this light blonde color and weaved away. Chunky weave btw.
I checked about 30 minutes & it wasn't quite done. Normally, you leave this kind of thing on for around 45 minutes at the most, so I thought I'd rinse it in 15 minutes or so. That's when things went wrong.
Sydie needed help with homework, Coby wanted to make Chocolate chip cookies, & I realized I needed to start the dinner right then or I wouldn't get the chance later. Well, needless to say my window to rinse my hair passed. Next thing I know, Katrina is telling me she'll be late for gymnastics if we didn't go right then.
I dropped off Katrina and raced home as it was now 4:45. My color had been on for an hour and and 30 minutes. For those of you who need help with the math that's TWICE as long as it should have been. Oh well, I thought, it can't be that bad. HA.
I washed it, combed it out and started to blow it try to see the end result.
As I'm drying my hair I notice it started to look and feel different. I looked at my brush and screamed. What was this white weird-ish substance on my brush! I took a closer look to find that my hair was breaking off about about 3 inches from my scalp and the ends were fried. FRIED I tell you. What was on my brush resembled what looked like really fine melted plastic. I basically disintegrated my hair!!! This is bad for a person with oodles of hair, but for someone like me that has a total of 250 hairs on her whole head this is beyond a disaster.
It's bad people. BAD. Next time you see me I may have a pixie cut. UGH.
DIY Mini Knitted Pumpkin Pattern
5 months ago
Oh. My. Gosh!!! IF I could do that for myself, I would so end up in the same boat. I am notorious for putting the last three pancakes on or the last pan of cookies in the oven and then completely forgetting about them. Even when I hear myself saying in my head, 'don't do it again.' I'm so sorry that it happened to you, though. I would cry. Did you cry?
Oh, P.S. I want to schedule an appt with Katelyn (giggle) for Sarah. I'm trying to coordinate it with Brynn too. We thought it would be fun for them to get their nails and makeup done together. Would Katelyn be up for that?
Stands--Yeah kinda cried, kinda screamed. It was a scream-cry. A Scry if you will. I am currently going through my hair and cutting the frizzled ends. And I'm totally burning pancakes, cookies, etc., too! It's the A.D.D in me I guess.
Katy would LOVE to get another appointment (she had her first yesterday). You should come see her "salon". She jazzed up this little area under our stairs. She even provides drinks for her patrons.
Bring the girls & come on over!
Andrea!! I'm so sorry! Why do we all have to get ADD after having kids? I'm the same way...
I screamed for you also. For some reason I really know how you feel. I would love to see you in a pixie cut.
Your hair still looks adorable! I saw it in real life, everyone, and srsly, it looks stinkin' hawt. And the chunky highlights turned out fab.
And very yes on the girlies making an appointment with Katrina. Beebs is way overdue for a manicure and make up. :)
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